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About us


Elles Road Bible Chapel is located in South Invercargill on the corner of Elles Road and Earn street.

We are a group of believers in Jesus Christ who meet together regularly for the purpose of worshiping God, learning from the Bible, and having fellowship with one another.

We are lead by a plurality of male Elders.

Each Sunday morning we have Christ centred expositional preaching followed by Worship and Communion.

Please see the WHATS ON tab to find out more about Bible studies, youth/children's ministries and outreach ministries.

We would love to have you join us.


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What We Believe

Our Statement of Faith

The Bible is the written Word of God. The original sixty-six books are Divinely inspired and without error. It is the supreme and only authority in all matters of Christian faith and conduct. Second Timothy 3:16
There is only one true and living God, eternally existent in three persons - Father, Son and Holy Spirit - who are of equal dignity and power. The Triune God is the creator and sustainer of the universe. He is infinite in knowledge, wisdom, power, holiness, justice, goodness, truth and love.

A) THE FATHER is eternally God. His qualities are always in perfection. We are encouraged to have closeness to God the Father - the believers 'Heavenly Father'. Before conversion, sin made this relationship totally impossible but a 'forgiven sinner' is able to fulfil his Heavenly Fathers hopes for His children, as found in Ephesians 4:23 - 24. God, the Father, is worthy of our genuine worship and He seeks such worship from our hearts.

B) THE SON is eternally God. He was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary as the 'Son of Man', being truly human and truly God. Jesus lived a perfect, sinless life on earth. He died on the cross as a sin-atoning sacrifice. He was resurrected bodily from the dead. He ascended into Heaven. He is presently seated at the right hand of God the Father, as the one and only mediator between the Holy God and mankind, having taken on Himself humanity - yet without sin. All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to Him by God the Father. He shall return to earth as judge of both the dead and the living.

C) THE HOLY SPIRIT is eternally God. He is fully God, as are the other persons in the Godhead. He regenerates, baptizes, seals and indwells all true believers at the moment of their conversion. In His Sovereignty, He gives spiritual gifts to equip every believer for service in the Local Church. Some gifts - such as apostleship, prophecy, tongues and healing (referred to as 'sign gifts') were limited in history to the foundational phase of the New Testament church, acting as a sign that Jesus was, indeed, the Christ. First Corinthians 13:8 - 10
We believe in the literal account of creation as found in Genesis chapters 1 & 2.
Every person is sinful by nature, separated from God and under His Divine condemnation. Freedom from the penalty and power of sin is available to everyone only through the sacrificial death and shed blood of the Lord Jesus Christ and His complete bodily resurrection from the dead.
He is the personal spiritual adversary of both God and human beings. He is the 'ruler of the powers of darkness' and exerts a sinister influence on the powers of the world. In perverting the truth Satan is of immense power and wickedness but he awaits his final doom at the hand of God.
It is a free and gracious gift from God to all who repent of their sins and believe in the Lord Jesus Christ alone as Saviour and Lord. At this moment the person is 'born again' of God. Every true child of God possesses eternal life and is safe for eternity. Being born again is demonstrated by a desire to live a life that pleases God. Colossians 1:10.
Referred to also as 'The Body of Christ, it is made up of all true believers in Christ, from the time of Pentecost in the Book of Acts until the Rapture of the church when the Lord Jesus will come to the air for His followers. First Thessalonians 4:13 - 18. The 'Universal Church' is formed by the Holy Spirit into one body, of which Christ is the Head. Its function is to Glorify God and to witness for Christ until He returns for His followers. First Corinthians 12:12
It is composed of believers who meet together on the common ground of faith in their Lord Jesus Christ. The purpose of their meeting together is for worship, prayer, fellowship, spiritual growth and evangelism. As with the 'Universal Church' the Head of the 'Local Church' is the Lord Jesus Christ and its governing authority is the Word of God with guidance by the elders.
Following conversion and confession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, baptism by immersion is an act of obedience to God. It signifies an identification with His death, burial and resurrection. Baptism is an 'evidence of' rather than a 'requirement for' salvation. Matthew 28:19
The Lord Jesus instituted this supper on the night He was betrayed. The purpose was for His followers to remember His substitutionary death on their behalf. His desire was that they should continue to do this until He returns for them. It is not a 'memorial of someone who is dead', but, rather, a 'remembrance of the Lord Jesus Christ who is alive' and spiritually present with His people, as He promised. It is the responsibility of all believers to examine themselves and then to participate in this remembrance supper, recognising the Lord's body which He gave in death for all who will believe. We observe the 'Lord's Supper' each week. First Corinthians 11:23 - 29
We believe that the headship of Christ shall be acknowledged as described in First Corinthians 11:3 -16.
A) THE RAPTURE. The Lord Jesus Christ will return personally and bodily to take His Universal Church from this earth to be with Himself. According to First Thessalonians 4:16 - 17, the dead believers will first be raised and will be taken with the living believers to meet the Lord in the air. Although not a Biblical term, this event is generally referred to as 'The Rapture. It will take place before the seven-year tribulation period.

B) THE TRIBULATION PERIOD. This will follow the rapture of the church, mentioned above. The righteous judgements of God will be poured out on an unbelieving world. These judgements will be climaxed by the return of Christ in 'power and great glory' to the earth. Daniel 12:1 and Revelation 6:11, 16.

C) THE SECOND-COMING OF CHRIST AND THE MILLENNIAL REIGN. At the end of the tribulation the Anti-Christ and the fallen prophet will be overthrown and Satan will be removed from the world. Then Christ will come to earth to occupy the throne of King David in Jerusalem and establish His Messianic Kingdom for one thousand years on the earth. During this time the resurrected saints will reign with Him over Israel and all the nations of the earth. At the end of the Millennial reign the Lord will release Satan from his prison and he will once again go about deceiving the nations in preparation for the Final Judgement. Revelation 19:11 to 20:8.

D) JUDGEMENT OF THE LOST. Following his release, Satan will gather the nations together against the saints and against the beloved city of Jerusalem, at which time he and his army will be devoured by fire from Heaven and be cast into the eternal 'Lake of Fire and Brimstone'. At this point Christ, who is the 'judge of all men' (John 5:22), will resurrect and judge the 'great and small' at the Great White Throne Judgement. They will receive their judgement and be committed to eternal, conscious punishment in the 'Lake of Fire'. Matthew 25:41 and Revelation 20:11 - 15.

E) ETERNITY. In contrast to the judgement of unbelievers, the saved will enter the eternal state of glory with God. According to Second Peter 3 :10-13 everything will be destroyed by fire and then there will be a 'new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness'. Following this, the heavenly city will come down out of heaven (Revelation 21:10). This will be the dwelling place of the saints, where they will forever enjoy fellowship with God.



What's on @ ERBC

Please see our events calendar for exact dates - as it is subject to change.

Events Calendar

Sunday Service

Let us come before Him with thanksgiving and extol Him
with music and song.

Psalm 95.2

Praise & Teaching 


10.00 am

Morning Tea


10.50 am

Worship & Communion


11.10 am




Sunday 10.00am to 10.45am
Ages 3 - Yr 8



Girls Rally

Fortnightly - Monday  6.30pm
Ages 7 - Yr 9




Weekly - Tuesday 7.15pm





Fortnightly - Thursday 7.30pm





 Weekly 7.30pm
in The Lounge



Monthly Free Community Meal

First Sunday night of the month: 6.00pm - 7.00pm
in The Lounge


















Address: 198 Earn Street, Invercargill

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